Updating Your Account Information
You can update your Children's Worship Bulletins membership anytime at your convenience by simply logging into the website.
Don't remember your password -- that's not a problem. You can request a reset password email that will be sent to the email address on the account. Read this document for more information: https://help.childrensbulletins.com/article/1185-resetting-your-username-and-password
Once you've logged in, then at the My Account menu, you can:
- Update your mailing address
- Update your e-mail address
- Update your church and/or contact name
- Reset your password
- Make a Payment
- Cancel your membership.
To update your account information, visit the My Account menu once you have logged into the website.
You can manage any updates to your account by clicking on any of the My Account links in the left-hand menu.
- Click Change My Email or Mailing Address link to update the name on the account, the shipping or billing address, phone number, or email address associated with the account.
- Click Update Password link to reset your password.
- Click Make a Payment to pay an invoice.
- Click Cancel Your Subscription to inactivate your membership.