Children's Bible Activities is now part of the Children's Worship Bulletins Family
As of July 2020, Children's Bible Activities joined with Children's Worship Bulletins to become one big happy family of children's materials — in one useful website. We've tried to make it easy to find the Story Guides, Activity Sheets, and matching Worship Bulletins. Plus, you'll find Maps, Charts, and more!
When you log in.
When you log in, you’ll be directed to the Children's Worship Bulletins homepage, where you’ll see the bulletin picks of the week: Gospel, Epistle, and Old Testament. New bulletins are featured each week.
If those picks aren’t what you want this week, you can search through over 1,500 Children's Worship Bulletins to find bulletins that better suit your needs. Search by Topic, Scripture or Lectionary, and download as many bulletins as you like from one or both age groups.
Now, with the inclusion of Children's Bible Activities, you’ll find Additional Resources that you can pair with your bulletins. Bible Stories & Activity Sheets include helpful teaching guides. Maps and Charts is a collection of maps, timelines, and guides. Resource Library has a variety of activity packets, placemats, crafts, and more. We even have some Spanish Resources for bilingual congregations.
To learn more about all the content available to you, check out our Help document: Getting Started: Children's Worship Bulletins.
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We hope our material will give the children you serve a fun activity and a way to stay engaged in worship.