Opening and Viewing Bulletins

All of our bulletins for Children's Worship Bulletins are in PDF format and require a PDF reader in your web browser or on your computer in order to read the files.

Viewing content.

We recommend using the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view your PDF's.  

If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, instead of displaying the activity, you may be asked to "open" and then choose from a list of available programs.

If you download any files, the download may complete just fine, but you may not be able to open the file until you choose Adobe Acrobat Reader or another PDF viewer program on your computer.

To set Adobe Reader as your default PDF reader:

1. Go to the search bar normally located in the bottom right-hand corner of your computer screen. 

2. Search "Default" and choose "Choose a default app for each type of file." 

3. An alphabetical listing of file types will populate on the screen. Scroll down to .pdf

4. In the right-hand column, see if the default program is Adobe Reader.  If not, click on the program and choose Adobe Reader. 

To download a free version of Adobe Acrobat reader, go to and follow their download instructions. 

Trouble viewing your PDF's?

By default, PDF files open from our web page inside the browser window. If the PDF is not viewing in your browser (or is blank), be sure to check that you have the latest version of both your web browser and Adobe Acrobat reader.  We recommend using Chrome or Firefox for the best in-browser PDF experiences.

For more help on viewing PDF's in your web browser:

(1) Open Adobe Reader
(2) Click on Edit >> Preferences
(3) Click on Internet on the sidebar
(4) Click on How to set up your browser to use Adobe products to view PDF documents

If you continue to have issues with viewing a PDF in the web browser, right click and select Download to download the PDF directly to your computer.  Then you can be sure the PDF is opening in Adobe Acrobat Reader or the PDF viewer of your choice.

If you've recently upgraded to Windows 10, you may have to follow these special instructions to view the Bulletins in Edge

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